Name of the service In-Depth Reading on Audio call (Unlimited Questions)
Time Duration 15 Min Session
What can you expect in this reading A free-flowing session on audio call. You can ask unlimited question within the time frame selected.
Reading Pre-Requistes Name + DOB + Present Location
How soon can you expect your reading ? Expect your slot within 24 - 48 hours
Name of the service In-Depth Reading on Audio call (Unlimited Questions)
Time Duration 30 Min Session
What can you expect in this reading A free-flowing session on audio call. You can ask unlimited question within the time frame selected.
Reading Pre-Requistes Name + DOB + Present Location
How soon can you expect your reading Expect your slot within 24 - 48 hours
Name of the service In-Depth Reading on Video call (Unlimited Questions)
Time Duration 15 Min Session
What can you expect in this reading A free-flowing session on audio call. You can ask unlimited question within the time frame selected.
Reading Pre-Requistes Name + DOB + Present Location
How soon can you expect your reading Expect your slot within 24 - 48 hours
Name of the service In-Depth Reading on Video call (Unlimited Questions)
Time Duration 30 Min Session
What can you expect in this reading A free-flowing session on audio call. You can ask unlimited question within the time frame selected.
Reading Pre-Requistes Name + DOB + Present Location
How soon can you expect your reading ? Expect your slot within 24 - 48 hours
Name of the service In-Depth Reading through Voice Note
3 Questions
Time Duration Depends on the guidance received. (fairly 10 min)
What can you expect in this reading Your present energy check
- Guidance for all 3 questions
Reading Pre-Requistes You will provide 3 questions.
-Your present location
(The same are details required, in case asked for anybody else)
How soon can you expect your reading ? Expect your reading within 24 - 48 hours
Name of the service Career Guidance detailed
Time Duration Voice Note
What can you expect in this reading Current Energy/Situation you are in
- Challenges you are facing presently
- What is coming towards you / Upcoming opportunities
- Your strengths and Weaknesses at present
- Guidance you need to hear
- Special Message from your highest self (situational)
Reading Pre-Requistes Gist of your situation in two lines + your question related only to CAREER
-Your present location
(The same are details required, in case asked for anybody else)
How soon can you expect your reading ? Expect your slot within 24 - 48 hours
Name of the service Partner Energy Check
Time Duration Voice Note
What can you expect in this reading 💖 How they feel: Get insight into their energy check (emotions) for you.
📞 Will they contact/confess? Find out if they'll reach out or ever reconcile.
🔄 Will they change? Explore if they're likely to evolve.
⚠️ Challenges: What obstacles might appear in your union?
💫 Outcome: Discover where this connection is headed.
*emoticon* Past Life Connection - yes/no
Reading Pre-Requistes Explain your situation in 3-5 lines
Details required -
-Your present location
(The same are details required, for your partner)
How soon can you expect your reading ? Expect your slot within 24 - 48 hours
Name of the service Evolve Yourself
Time Duration Voice Note
What can you expect in this reading Your Past Lessons
What's happening presently
What are the blockages and challenges
What is the advice for the current situation
Love Guidance
Financial Guidance for abundance
Career Guidance. Next steps to take.
Health Guidance
Upcoming Opportunity Portal
My Ladoo Gopal's Guidance message
Universe message
One month's Energy Check. (how your month looks like)
Reading Pre-Requistes Explain your situation in 3-5 lines
Details required -
-Your present location
(The same are details required, for your partner)
How soon can you expect your reading ? Expect your slot within 24 - 48 hours
Name of the service Toxic Relationship Reading
(In-depth voice note and psychic reading)
Time Duration Voice Note
What can you expect in this reading Your toxic Pattern
The outcome if you leave this relationship
The outcome if you stay in this relationship
Will the person ever change
How can you make this work
Reading Pre-Requistes How can you make this work (Yes/no)
Explain your situation in 3-5 lines
Details required -
-Your present location
(The same are details required, for your partner)
Name of the service Mini Love Guidance
Time Duration Depends on the guidance received. (fairly 10 min)
What can you expect in this reading 5 Guidance Card in depth love reading
Reading Pre-Requistes Provide details of your partner and yours - Name, DOB, Present location and your relationship status.
Name of the service Relationship Decision Spread- Psychic Tarot Reading Voice note
Time Duration Voice Note
Reading Pre-Requistes What is the current state of the relationship?
What is the outcome if you stay?
What is the outcome when you leave?
How soon can you expect your reading ? Provide details of your partner and yours - Name, DOB, Present location and your relationship status.